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Over the past few weeks I have read several books, and developed plans and strategies that will help my business. My business is on a growth track, and I need to be prepared for the growth. This class has forced me to read books that I probably wouldn't have, but they have helped me to prepare more than anything else. God, fate, divine intervention, higher power, or whatever you want to call it stepped in and offered assistance in such an amazing way! Through an academic class at that!

Let's recap shall we. I began by stating my why. Next I worked on the influence model. The influence model was a thorn in my side for weeks. Thankfully, I had a professor that saw me through that process and helped me to perfect that model. From there I worked on the 4DX model. The 4DX model appeals to me on so many levels. It's more like a checklist, and I love a checklist! I feel accomplished as I check things off the list.

Those paths led me to learning about leadership. The first book I began reading was Failure of Nerve by Edwin Friedman. I also watched the following video clip based upon Friedman's idea of a being a differentiated leader.

I found this idea of leadership interesting, and the video clip summarizes the concept well. I also found that leadership and lack of nerve is not my problem. I make decisions daily, and am willing to admit when I've made a wrong decision. My issue is communicating effectively. I've been called decisive, but I've also been called divisive. I have always thought that the difference was the person. Did I go against what the person thought, therefore I'm divisive? Did I state what someone else was thinking, but to scared to say, therefore I'm decisive? Perhaps.

I've learned about crucial conversations through this class. I've learned that I can be too forward for some people. As a result, they lose their sense of safety when speaking to or with me. Hence the divisive description I assume. This video clip helps to summarize the Crucial Conversations book.

I know that I am a leader. However, if I can start to practice the tools found in Crucial Conversations I will become a better leader, and avoid the silence or violence aspects. Using the tools learned from Crucial Conversations while implementing the Influencer Model and 4DX model will ensure that the changes that are made will be perceived in a positive manner, and are more likely to be successful.


Bardwell, M. D. (2010). Friedman’s theory of differentiated leadership made simple [Video File]. Retrieved from Callibrain. (2015). Video review for crucial conversations by Kerry Patterson [Video File]. Retrieved from

Friedman, Edwin H. (2017). A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix. New York: Church Publishing. ​Patterson, K., Grenny, J., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2002). Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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