What is my role as the Director of Academics?
As the Director of Academics for De Beau Microschool, I oversee the academic progress of each student in both locations. In each location, teachers function as guides on the side leading and educating the students. The teachers also function as liaisons between me and students that I do not directly work with daily. The teachers inform me on the student's progress prior to any meetings with the student and parents/guardians.
I fill a role like a school principal and a school counselor. I must know the state standards and how those standards compare to the Abeka curriculum used at De Beau Microschool. I also need to know the state graduation requirements and standardized testing requirements so I can help guide the older students toward graduation.
The teachers and I meet with the student and parents/guardians on regular basis, at least once a semester. During those meetings, we discuss the student's progress and the goals for that student. We also ask what the parent/guardian's goal is for the student and ask the student about their goals. During the meeting and after the meeting, we adjust our goals for the student to align with the student and parent/guardian’s goals and modify the map of success, if necessary.