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Resume and Curriculum Vitae Update

As I am nearing the end of the Associate of Applied Science in Business Administration with Purdue University Global, I am taking the time to update my resume and curriculum vitae. Believe it or not, I find this process challenging! One is supposed to be short, no more than two pages, while the other varies in length depending on education, professional development, experience, speaking engagements, and so.

It never fails, I always include more than necessary in the resume. I begin writing as if I am writing a curriculum vitae. It is challenging for me to reduce and edit. Purge and tidy are the words that I repeat to myself when editing my resume. Explain and elaborate are the words that I repeat to myself when editing my curriculum vitae.

Currently, my resume stands at three pages long. That's too long. After a break, I will attempt to purge and tidy my resume again.



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