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What A Week!

This has been an exciting week! It started Wednesday with the SpaceX Dragon launch, then last minute scrubbed launch due to weather. I texted with several students and parents about the launch. We all enjoyed the interviews and information leading up to the launch. We were all disappointed that the launch had to be scrubbed. One of the students noted that the person on the live broadcast said, "Safety First." The student commented how I say that all the time, and asked if I taught that person too.

Saturday we were watching the live broadcast again of the launch of SpaceX Dragon. Again, the texting communication with students and parents lasted most of the day regarding the live broadcast. We were all thrilled when we got to watch lift off from our individual homes.

Sunday around noon (Central Standard Time) we watched as the hatch was opened. It was breathtaking to watch the astronauts float from Dragon into the International Space Station. They greeted their fellow astronauts with hand shakes and hugs.

Monday morning (today) we were able to watch interviews with the astronauts live. There were many interesting questions from many people around the world. I also enjoyed the variety of questions. They were asked about their suits, the toilets, their sleep, and if they have taken time to reflect on this historic mission, in addition to a myriad of other questions.

Later in the day, we were able to watch as Governor Edwards of Louisiana spoke about the condition of our state. He announced today that Louisiana will be able to move to Phase Two of re-opening on Friday, June 5th. With that, we are able to return to in classroom instruction. We are all thrilled to be able to see each other again. Things will be a little different, but not terribly different. Thankfully, it will be easy as a Microschool to implement a safety plan that does not interrupt our normal flow and rhythm of in classroom instruction.

I am looking forward to seeing my students on Friday. I think I'm going to bring cookies and juice pouches for everyone!

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