It's Official
I graduated on May 18, 2019. It was a special day filled with family and friends. It was thrilling to know that I had accomplished a goal that I set for myself, a masters degree. It was thrilling to receive my red tube on the stage as my name was announced. However, like everyone else's, my red tube was empty.
According to the postage cancelation, my degree was mailed out on June 20, 2019. I have it in my possession! It is official! I have my degree.

I could not wait to upload a photo and post it on this blog! So many of the same feelings of excitement and joy came rushing back when I took this degree out of the cardboard envelope. Soon it will be on the wall.
Now it is time to set some new goals. In fact, let's start now...….
1. I want to continue my education to achieve an educational doctor degree. I am currently looking for schools and programs that will be a fit for me.
2. I want to work at the college level. In this day in age, there are options. I could work in the traditional setting or in an online format. Both of those options appeal to me. I have applied at a couple of places that I think would be a good fit for me. One would be in person, the traditional format, while the others would be online.
3. Visit the BBQ Capital of Texas: Lockhart. I would like to visit each of the BBQ joints in Lockhart.
4. Attend a Drum Corps International event.
Four goals. I think that is a good place to start. Now time to get busy setting smaller benchmark goals that will help me achieve the big goal.
Thank you for joining me on my educational journey thus far. I will keep you posted on my next steps. Stay tuned...…..